Help Center Import/Export
How to Import Your Files?

How to Import Your Files?

Last updated: 4 months ago
2 minute read
Yuliia Kovalchuk
Developer at SiteTran


Help Center

How to Import Your Files?

  1. Navigate to Project: Go to the site or project where you want to import data.

  2. Select "Pages & Phrases": Click on "Pages & Phrases" in the navigation menu.

  3. Add New Page: Click "Add New Page" and select "Upload File."

  4. Upload Your File: Drag and drop your file or select it manually by clicking the blue file area.

  5. Validate Your File: Click "Validate File" to begin validation. If issues are detected, an error message will appear. Ensure your file meets our requirements.

  6. Review Languages & Translators:

    • Languages Available: Matches languages already present in your site.
    • Languages Missing: Languages in the file not yet part of your site, which can be added.
    • Translators: Existing translators for the specified languages.
    • Missing Translators: Translators not yet part of your site, appearing as "missing(new)."
  7. Adjust Import Settings: Select the languages and translators for import. You may invite missing translators and specify their roles; if no email addresses are found in the file, you may be prompted to enter them.

  8. Finalize the Import: Click "Import" to complete the import. You will be redirected to view the imported phrases.

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