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Translation Management
Translation Management
Everything related to setting up your phrases in SiteTran to make your website translation process as smooth as possible.
4 articles

Translating Images Or URLs On Your Site

Don't miss out on offering translated images and URLs on your site. Providing users with the best possible experience is a sure way to increase traffic and user satisfaction
Steven Wise
1 minute read

Translating Dynamic Content

SiteTran was built with translation dynamic webpages in mind. We handle it automatically.
Steven Wise
2 minute read

Adding Variables To Phrases

SiteTran is able to translate your website's dynamic content, even phrases that contain parts that vary (we have an easy to use variable system), and we can do so entirely on the frontend.
Steven Wise
3 minute read

My New Translations Or Changes Aren’t Appearing On My Website

Make sure that your updates and changes are always available to the public immediately.
David Peterman
1 minute read
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